
15 Nardin Today Fall 2022 How does the Middle School support social-emotional wellness? Push-in Lessons in Health Class Students learn what mental health is, discuss factors that influence mental health, and review ways to support and improve mental health. Throughout the course, students come to understand the stigma surrounding mental health problems, and the impact of stigma on help-seeking behavior. Students become more aware of the realities of mental illness and exhibit a realistic understanding of mental illness. How does the Lower School support social-emotional wellness? Morning Meetings Each morning, Lower School students and teachers gather together to engage in Morning Meetings to build a strong sense of community and to set students up for success socially and academically. Monthly Guidance Lessons Classroom guidance lessons are conducted in each classroom, with a specifically planned curriculum to meet the needs of all students. Students engage in a variety of lessons that promote knowledge and skills through instruction in three content areas: academic achievement, career exploration, and social-emotional growth. How does the Upper School support social-emotional wellness? House System The House system is an opportunity for students to feel a sense of belonging to the Nardin Community. Consisting of four houses, students spend the year participating in competitions and team-building activities that help strengthen their bonds to each other and their teachers. Mindfulness and Wellbeing Mindfulness and Wellbeing is a course taken during the sophomore year that addresses the social, emotional, and spiritual health of today’s students. Co-taught by Tom Whalen, Director of Mission Integration, and Jessica Neilans, School Psychologist, Mindfulness and Wellbeing aims to provide students with a space to share the barriers to their educational success and develop ways to overcome these roadblocks. n